Isiah 41:10

Jacob is one of the techs serving mom and other oncology patients. He has helped Mom many times over several trips to the hospital. We have come to love him.

This morning, Sunday, Pentecost,

Jacob said to Momma, I have something for you.
She said, oh, what is that?
He said, “do not be afraid.”

In scripture, every time a messenger of God appears before someone, they say, fear not…do not be afraid.

They are always saying this.

This exchange deeply impacted Mom and Dad. They each separately made a point to tell me about it. Dad was moved to tears when he told me. Mom was touched, so touched. She told me the story as soon as we were together. I wish I could describe how his message, his gift to her, affected her. I wish I could describe to you what I saw in her as she recounted that little story to me.

Do not be afraid.

Fear not, friends, angels are attending Momma.

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